16 December 2010

Finding your own truth

I recently came accross a woman who, in her early 60s, had accomplished tremendous amounts.  A scientist at heart, she works at helping humans being humans, using all the science she can muster to create tools that will help individuals on their path to healthier living.  Her "sciencing" has been renown and proven; and yet...

And yet, she has been using the guidance of another to make decisions that were, at times, life altering.  She entrusted all of her decisions to this other woman, an insightful one, whom, at first look, seemed trustworthy.  For the better part of 15 years, this scientist, well known, profoundly educated, extremely connected, relied on the insights of what some may call a psychic or soul reader.  Now, I have met this soul reader and i will say this: she was good and truly insghtful.  Some of the things she said had value and gave me a new perspective.  But from that to completely entrusting my life?  Just recently, the scientist came to the same conclusion as she was betrayed by this psychic who she believed her friend...  Brutal, brutal awakening...

My point is this: if such a powerful, rational, educated woman can be sucked in by another, living by the other's views and decisions, we must all be careful to not fall prey to believing that someone else can know better than us what is right for us.

Find your own truth.  Be inspired by others but, fundamentally, always come back to what is true to you.  And if you don't know what that is, well it is time for a road trip!  It takes a huge amount of courage to look within to find what is true to our selves...  We know far too well that such a quest will bring us to ask more questions and in the end, find answers that may require us to change our lives; changing homes, changing partners, changing jobs...  And when children are involved, it's even harder...  But ask yourself this:  what do you want to teach your children? Settle and say nothing or live passionately?  Live loveless and safe or take a chance and live love to the max?  Whatever the answer may be, apply it to yourself; your children, if you have any, will live by your example.

Be true to yourself.  Once on the path of finding your own truth, you will develop a habit of it.  The answers, you will always find within.  Again, you may be inspired by a reading, a speach, a commercial, a movie, the true story of a simple human become exceptional...  But in the end, you know what is best for you.  And when that is clear, be true to yourself.  That is when we are truly free...